Data Interoperability
How to access additional data stacks
GTEx Data
The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Program is a widely used data resource and tissue bank to study the relationship between genetic variants (inherited changes in DNA sequence) and gene expression (how genes are turned on and off) in multiple human tissues and across individuals. For information on access to GTEx data, refer to GTEx v8 - Free Egress Instructions as part of the AnVIL documentation.
NCPI Data Portal
The NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability Effort (NCPI) is currently working to establish and implement guidelines and technical standards to empower end-user analyses across participating cloud platforms and facilitate the realization of a trans-NIH, federated data ecosystem. Participating institutions include BioData Catalyst, AnVIL, Cancer Research Data Commons, and Kids First Data Resource Center. Learn what data is currently hosted by these platforms by using the NCPI Data Portal.
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