Appendix 2: Table of Harmonized Variables
cac_volume_1 | Coronary artery calcium volume using CT scan(s) of coronary arteries | decimal | cubic millimeters | UMLS |
cac_score_1 | Coronary artery calcification (CAC) score using Agatston scoring of CT scan(s) of coronary arteries | decimal |
| UMLS |
cimt_1 | Common carotid intima-media thickness, calculated as the mean of two values: mean of multiple thickness estimates from the left far wall and from the right far wall. | decimal | mm | UMLS |
cimt_2 | Common carotid intima-media thickness, calculated as the mean of four values: maximum of multiple thickness estimates from the left far wall, left near wall, right far wall, and right near wall. | decimal | mm | UMLS |
carotid_stenosis_1 | Extent of narrowing of the carotid artery. | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=None||1=1%-24%||2=25%-49%||3=50%-74%||4=75%-99%||5=100% |
carotid_plaque_1 | Presence or absence of carotid plaque. | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=Plaque not present||1=Plaque present |
height_baseline_1 | Body height at baseline. | decimal | cm | UMLS |
current_smoker_baseline_1 | Indicates whether subject currently smokes cigarettes. | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=Does not currently smoke cigarettes||1=Currently smokes cigarettes |
weight_baseline_1 | Body weight at baseline. | decimal | kg | UMLS |
ever_smoker_baseline_1 | Indicates whether subject ever regularly smoked cigarettes. | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=Never a cigarette smoker||1=Current or former cigarette smoker |
bmi_baseline_1 | Body mass index calculated at baseline. | decimal | kg/m^2 | UMLS |
hemoglobin_mcnc_bld_1 | Measurement of mass per volume, or mass concentration (mcnc), of hemoglobin in the blood (bld). | decimal | g / dL = grams per deciliter | UMLS |
hematocrit_vfr_bld_1 | Measurement of hematocrit, the fraction of volume (vfr) of blood (bld) that is composed of red blood cells. | decimal | % = percentage | UMLS |
rbc_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of red blood cells in the blood (bld). | decimal | millions / microliter | UMLS |
wbc_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of white blood cells in the blood (bld). | decimal | thousands / microliter | UMLS |
basophil_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of basophils in the blood (bld). | decimal | thousands / microliter | UMLS |
eosinophil_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of eosinophils in the blood (bld). | decimal | thousands / microliter | UMLS |
neutrophil_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of neutrophils in the blood (bld). | decimal | thousands / microliter | UMLS |
lymphocyte_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of lymphocytes in the blood (bld). | decimal | thousands / microliter | UMLS |
monocyte_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of monocytes in the blood (bld). | decimal | thousands / microliter | UMLS |
platelet_ncnc_bld_1 | Count by volume, or number concentration (ncnc), of platelets in the blood (bld). | integer | thousands / microliter | UMLS |
mch_entmass_rbc_1 | Measurement of the average mass (entmass) of hemoglobin per red blood cell(rbc), known as mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH). | decimal | pg = picogram | UMLS |
mchc_mcnc_rbc_1 | Measurement of the mass concentration (mcnc) of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cells (rbc), known as mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). | decimal | g /dL = grams per deciliter | UMLS |
mcv_entvol_rbc_1 | Measurement of the average volume (entvol) of red blood cells (rbc), known as mean corpuscular volume (MCV). | decimal | fL = femtoliter | UMLS |
pmv_entvol_bld_1 | Measurement of the mean volume (entvol) of platelets in the blood (bld), known as mean platelet volume (MPV or PMV). | decimal | fL = femtoliter | UMLS |
rdw_ratio_rbc_1 | Measurement of the ratio of variation in width to the mean width of the red blood cell (rbc) volume distribution curve taken at +/- 1 CV, known as red cell distribution width (RDW). | decimal | % = percentage | UMLS |
bp_systolic_1 | Resting systolic blood pressure from the upper arm in a clinical setting. | decimal | mmHg | UMLS |
bp_diastolic_1 | Resting diastolic blood pressure from the upper arm in a clinical setting. | decimal | mmHg | UMLS |
antihypertensive_meds_1 | Indicator for use of antihypertensive medication at the time of blood pressure measurement. | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=Not taking antihypertensive medication||1=Taking antihypertensive medication |
race_1 | Harmonized race category of participant. | encoded |
| UMLS | AI_AN=American Indian_Alaskan Native or Native American||Asian=Asian||Black=Black or African American||HI_PI=Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander||Multiple=More than one race||Other=Other race||White=White or Caucasian |
ethnicity_1 | Indicator of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. | encoded |
| UMLS | both=ethnicity component dbGaP variable values for a subject were inconsistent/contradictory (e.g. over multiple visits)||HL=Hispanic or Latino||notHL=not Hispanic or Latino |
hispanic_subgroup_1 | classification of Hispanic/Latino background for Hispanic/Latino subjects where country or region of origin information is available | encoded |
| UMLS | CentralAmerican=Central American||CostaRican=from Costa Rica||Cuban=Cuban||Dominican=Dominican||Mexican=Mexican||PuertoRican=Puerto Rican||SouthAmerican=South American |
annotated_sex_1 | Subject sex, as recorded by the study. | encoded |
| UMLS | female=Female||male=Male |
geographic_site_1 | Recruitment/field center, baseline clinic, or geographic region. | encoded |
| UMLS |
subcohort_1 | A distinct subgroup within a study, generally indicating subjects who share similar characteristics due to study design. Subjects may belong to only one subcohort. | encoded |
| UMLS |
lipid_lowering_medication_1 | Indicates whether participant was taking any lipid-lowering medication at blood draw to measure lipids phenotypes | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=Participant was not taking lipid-lowering medication||1=Participant was taking lipid-lowering medication. |
fasting_lipids_1 | Indicates whether participant fasted for at least eight hours prior to blood draw to measure lipids phenotypes. | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=Participant did not fast_or fasted for fewer than eight hours prior to measurement of lipids phenotypes.||1=Participant fasted for at least eight hours prior to measurement of lipids phenotypes. |
total_cholesterol_1 | Blood mass concentration of total cholesterol | decimal | mg/dL | UMLS |
triglycerides_1 | Blood mass concentration of triglycerides | decimal | mg/dL | UMLS |
hdl_1 | Blood mass concentration of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol | decimal | mg/dL | UMLS |
ldl_1 | Blood mass concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol | decimal | mg/dL | UMLS |
vte_prior_history_1 | An indicator of whether a subject had a venous thromboembolism (VTE) event prior to the start of the medical review process (including self-reported events). | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=did not have prior VTE event||1=had prior VTE event |
vte_case_status_1 | An indicator of whether a subject experienced a venous thromboembolism event (VTE) that was verified by adjudication or by medical professionals. | encoded |
| UMLS | 0=Not known to ever have a VTE event_either self-reported or from medical records||1=Experienced a VTE event as verified by adjudication or by medical professionals |
age_at_* | For each phenotypic value for a given subject, an associated age at measurement is provided. | decimal | years |
| See TOPMed Harmonization Strategies for more information. |
unit_* | For each harmonized variable, a paired “unit_variable” is provided, whose value indicates where in the documentation to look to find the set of component variables and the algorithm used to harmonize those variables. | encoded |
| See TOPMed Harmonization Strategies for more information. |
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